Monday, June 29, 2015

Monday 6/29/15 Blog Post

Monday 6/29/15 Blog Post

Daily Prompt Generator:
"Do you watch or look away?  Write about a time you (or a character you invent) had to get a shot."
I decided to make a fictional story. 

I glance nervously at the nurse who stepped into the clinic’s waiting room. Somewhere in my heart I knew she had come for me. She locked eyes with me and gave me a polite smile, Oh Boy. I slowly raised from my seat and began to shuffle her way. She led me down a hallway and to a room labeled 201. I walked in and sat down on the un-comfortable medical table. She clarified that I was here to receive a shot. I replied with a meager yes. She got off her rolling stool and said she would be back promptly to administer the shot. Ten minutes had passed and I started glancing at the clock, nervously awaiting the nurse who had my shot. Eleven minutes had passed and I began to sweat. Tick-Tock Tick-Tock, I could hear footsteps come down the hall, they stop in front of my room. The door handle turns and the nurse walks back in with the shot. She asked if I would like to lay down, she said I was looking a bit pale. I decided to take her advice and laid my head down on the flat pillow. She walked over to me with the needle in her hand and I began to feel extremely nervous. She again reassured me that it would not hurt, and I didn’t even begin to believe her. I closed my eyes and braced myself. I felt every part of my body tensing up. The nurse told me to open my eyes. Confused I looked at her and asked if something was wrong, she shook her head. “While you were tensing your body, I gave you the shot, and you never even felt it” she said. I felt a flooding sense of relief and thanked the nurse for her help. I walked out of the clinic that day feeling accomplished. Getting a shot is not so bad after all.

1 comment:

  1. Good job Quincy. I especially liked "Eleven minutes passed and I began to sweat. Tick-Tock. Tick-Tock." It made me feel the anxiety you were describing. I also enjoyed the ending of the story. While I was reading, I had no idea how the story would end, what turn it would take.
