Sunday, June 28, 2015

Thursday 6/25/2015 Blog Post

Thursday 6/25/2015
Daily prompt generator:
"What would it be hoping to change?  Write a New Year's resolution for something not human...a car, a pet, a job, etc."

Hello my name is Howie, I am a Beagle who lives with a family of three. My New Year’s resolution is to make more advancements in learning to steal food off the kitchen counter. Right now my humans have learned to push food back to where I cannot reach. I would like to learn this year to push the kitchen chair over to the counter so that I can (hopefully) get onto the counter. I would also like to be able to knock over the kitchen trash can and learn to stand it upright again so they will never know I stole some of those tasty bacon pieces or the leftover popcorn from the previous night. Right now I am pretending to sleep on the couch, instead I am plotting my food stealing attempts. I would also like to double my attempts of stealing anything from the bathroom trash cans, I feel like I have slacked off on my perusing of trash cans. I definitely need to get back on that, it is good exercise. I also think I need to change my sleeping schedule slightly, I need to add 10 minutes of play time in the evening to stretch my muscles. I enjoy patrolling the house for any micro-spec of food, I suppose that would suffice for exercise. Recently since swimming season has begun my humans have decided to make me swim in the pool. They use all sorts of trick to get me to swim such as enticing me with bacon bits or treats. These do not usually entice me to get in. Although they have started using pizza crust and yesterday pieces of doughnuts to get me to swim in the pool. I really enjoy snacking on pizza crust and doughnuts. I look forward to have a fantastic and productive year!

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