Monday, July 6, 2015

Monday 7/6/2015 blog post

Monday 7/6/2015 blog post

Daily writing prompt:
"What's the worst part about being sick?  Explain your answer with writing."

Being sick is a miserable feeling. One of my biggest questions for this writing prompt is. Am I writing about a chronic illness, or a common illness? A chronic illness is much too difficult to describe in a paragraph. For the sake of ease I will write about a common illness. Have the cold or the flu is miserable, the only thing comforting about having one of these is that fact that you know it will be over soon. Being sick really holds you back from life. It forces you to cancel plans, even ones you were really looking forward to and it forces you to live in misery for the next week. Whenever I make a big plan like a trip or something of the liking I always worry about getting sick right before the trip. I have a trip coming up soon and I hope I do not get sick between now and then. When I get sick I usually sit on the couch and watch tv for hours on end. I hate doing this because I makes me feel unproductive and like I am just wasting my time. Never the less I end up doing this because it is all I feel like doing. Something nice that happens when I get sick is that my mom will take care of me. I am really glad to have her because she will make sure that I am ok. I try and take care of my family when they get sick. I strongly dislike cancelling plans and having to put my life on hold. Overall I hope to get sick as minimally as possible and hope that others do not have to deal with sickness too much.

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