Thursday, July 9, 2015

Thursday 7/9/2015 blog post

Thursday 7/9/2015 blog post

Daily prompt generator:
"What was your favorite toy?  Write about your favorite plaything."

I had a lot of favorite toys as a child, one of my very favorites was my extensive Barbie collection. I loved playing with my Barbie’s. I would sit in the room where we kept my Barbie’s for hours and reenact all sorts of stories. I think Barbie’s are a wonderful toy for children to play with. I had a giant Barbie house and a large wooden stable where I kept all of the toy horses I had. Barbie’s are pretty neat because you can dress them up in different outfits. Barbie’s are also neat in the aspect that there are a million gadgets that you can get to go with your Barbie’s. I know my mom never ran out of birthday or Christmas presents while I was in the Barbie faze. I had many accessories that I would play with. My favorites were the RV, car, stable, and the dream house. I always loved going to the toy store to pick out a new Barbie or accessory. It’s funny I was never into the holiday Barbie’s. I think I was fairly picky. I think Barbie’s are the perfect toy for young kids and hope to see the iconic Mattel brand for years to come.

It seems like there are a lot of people who have picked Mattel apart for Barbie being “perfect”. I read in the news a while back that Mattel has come out with a Barbie that has acne, stretch marks and a few other things. I think this is a neat idea. I like the Mattel brand in general, and I think they have some great toy lines. I am interested to see if these Barbie’s sell as well as the original Barbie’s or not.


  1. Quincy,
    I loved Barbie's as well. I used to have tons of them. My grandma would sit down on the floor and help me dress them and comb their hair for hours. Barbie play time made a lot of special memories for me as a child. My daughter now has tons as well, the house, the car, the RV vacation travel trailor, and clothes clothes clothes, It is fun to sit and play with her now like my grandma did with me as a child.

  2. Quincy,
    I didn't have that many Barbie's growing up. I remember my cousin having Barbie's with the 3 story play house. I sat and played with her Barbie's every time I went over. They were really fun but for some reason I did not have any that I can remember. I heard about Mattel making Barbie's that are more "average". I am interested to see what they will look like. Thanks for the walk down memory lane.

  3. Quincy,
    Very well written. I was raised with 3 rough and tumble brothers. I always dreamed about playing Barbie's. Your post allowed me to imagine what it would be like.
    Thanks for sharing.

  4. Quincy,
    Very well written. I was raised with 3 rough and tumble brothers. I always dreamed about playing Barbie's. Your post allowed me to imagine what it would be like.
    Thanks for sharing.
