Monday, July 6, 2015

Saturday 7/4/2015 blog post

Saturday 7/4/2015 blog post

Daily prompt generator:
"What did you wish for most?  Write about a time when it was just too hot."

I sit on a wooden bench with a towel wrapped around my body. The sweat is beginning to bead on top of my skin as I reach down and grab my water that is sitting on the ground next to me. I need to drink water it will help me stay hydrated and it will make this experience better I reassure myself. Uncomfortably I shift around on the wooden seat where a towel has been laid out to attempt to make it more comfortable. My back begins to hurt because I cannot find a comfortable position. By now the sweat is pouring down me. This is too hot I tell myself, this not worth it. In an attempt to make myself feel better I try and be positive about sitting in the heat. A distraction would be good I tell myself. I pick up my phone and begin playing on it in an attempt to distract myself from the temperature of the air that continues to rise. I began playing Temple Run which believe it or not is a pretty good distraction. As I was playing I wondered how much longer I had. I glance at the time on my phone and scroll over to the timer. It was counting down from 30 seconds. My heart skipped a beat. I was almost done! I had been in here for over 30 minutes. 3…..2……1….. Beep Beep Beep. I throw the door open and let the cool air wash over my body. I felt relief from the extremely hot room I was previously in. As I walked out the door I thought to myself, I hate being in the Sauna.

1 comment:

  1. I enjoyed reading this story. The suspense of where you were or what room you were in was very well put together. It also fit the story, it didn't stand out nor did I wonder why you didn't just tell us where you were. Mentioning you were in a Sauna at the end of your post made for a funny ending. I can tell you I didn't expect that. Overall, great job in writing this story and keeping the audience interested by telling us at the end where you were.
